Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. It's jQuery-based and it's useful for tagging, contact lists, country selectors, and so on. For more info please check out the official documentation.


Note!Add and remove items in any order without touching your mouse. Use your left/right arrow keys to move the caret (ibeam) between items. This example is instantiated from a <input type="text"> element (note that the value is represented as a string).

Email Contacts

Note!This demonstrates two main things: (1) custom item and option rendering, and (2) item creation on-the-fly. Try typing a valid and invalid email address.

Single Item Select

Note!The most vanilla of examples.

Option Groups

Note!Selectize supports <optgroup> rendering (as of v0.5.0).

Max Items

Note!This example only allows 3 items. Select one more item and the control will be disabled until one or more are deleted.

Country Selection

Note!A good example of (1) support for international characters (diacritics) and (2) how items are scored and sorted. Try typing "islands", for instance.

Remote Source — Github

Note!This demo shows how to integrate third-party data from the GitHub API.


Note!Press the [backspace] key and go back to editing the item without it being fully removed.


Note!This plugin adds classic a classic remove button to each item for behavior that mimics Select2 and Chosen.


Note!Adds drag-and-drop support for easily rearranging selected items. Requires jQuery UI (sortable).


Note!A plugin by Simon Hewitt that renders optgroups horizontally with convenient left/right keyboard navigation.